Our Model Railroad Club

Rail Roadrunners of Yuma, a small group that meets on a regular basis to talk trains, model railroading, operate our N scale and HO scale layouts and conduct various clinics on layout wiring, scenery building and other subjects of interest to those in attendance.  We presently meet Saturday mornings at 10:00 am at the Community Christian Church, located at 6480 E. Highway 95, Yuma, Arizona.  Drive around the main building and look for us in one of the rear buildings.  Snowbirds and visitors are always welcome and children when accompanied by an adult.

This is our display at the Yuma Heritage Library at 4th Avenue and 3rd Street.  Special items include one of Marvins acrylic paintings, an electrified Switch Stand Lantern,  HO models of the UP Big Boy #4005 and CB&Q Pioneer Zephyr #9900, and scratch built Water Tank, Grain Elevator and Log Cabin with Outhouse, Well, Wood Pile and Ax.

Sept. 6, 2011
We are in process of building a 5' x 10' semi portable HO, two level layout.  The base, open grid frame, is complete and plywood sub-roadbed is being processed.  Track will be code 83 Atlas flex and Peko turnouts.  Scenery will probably follow the plaster cloth and light weight spackling as described in the Blog entries for Building a Diorama, parts 1 through 10.

I am in process of changing my 4'x4' Camp Swampy layout from a single circle of 22" R of Bachmann EZ track to a two level with an upper level circle of 18" R EZ track overlapping the 22" R in one corner giving more scenic options.

This is the original Camp Swampy with too sharp curves and un-reliable running.

Sept. 25, 2011
Work is progressing on our larger "Semi-portable" 5'x10' 2 level HO layout.  It is an expanded version of a 4'x8' from MR magazine in the 1960's.  Minimum radius is 23", maximum grade is 2% (1/4" per foot), DC with 2 power packs for 2 train operation.


October 15, 2011

The Rail Roadrunners of Yuma today had a very successful show for the residents of the Copper Hills Home in the Foothills of Yuma.  Marv had the 2'x4' N scale layout of Ron Rasmusson and I had my 4'x4' HO scale layout, still in the revision stage.  The up front location helped the people find us and they were appreciative of our being there, most staying for the full 2 hours and would have enjoyed more.  This is one of the original goals of our founding the group, to let others enjoy the hobby as we do.
