My friend and fellow RRoY Club member, Marvin C. passed on the correct name and magazine month for our HO layout. The correct name is Pigeon Creek & Thawville RR and the MR edition is December 1967.
Another item I passed over was how we laid out the curves for the sub-roadbed. I used a home made beam compass, or trammel, with a hole drilled for a large marker pen at one end and holes drilled and marked on inches through about 30 inches. You could make your own using a yard stick drilling the pen hole at 1" and holes as required. Just remember to ADD 1" to your desired radius.
While I am not doing any of the track laying or wiring I can explain a little of what I have observed. Marvin solders all rail joints using track joiners for alignment. We are using Peco Electo-Frog turnouts that are power directing so do not have to power each piece of track, but must power the turnouts from the single (left) end only. The power is directed whichever way the turnout is thrown, BUT the other two ends must be gaped if power can be fed from another track, otherwise you have a short. In this case the turnout is at the beginning of a reverse loop so there is a "section" of track that is isolated inside the loop to allow the mains polarity to be reversed for when the train returns to the main.
The control panel will be located in one of the corners and have provision for one, DC, power pack. The future extension to a lower yard or town will have provision for a second power pack, but may be controlled from the main panel for 'one man' operation.
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